- coffee mug - sold out
- button - sold out
- action figure - sold out
- pillow - sold out
- cassette - sold out
- handbook - sold out
- calendar - sold out
- book - on back order
- speaker series
- guru wallpaper
- key chain - sold out
- wrist watch - sold out
- $0 - $1,000,000

The official Guru Airplane pillow.
Ships: Within 24 hours
Price: $25

The Guru “Coffee is for planners” mug.
Ships: Within 24 hours
Price: $10

The official key chain of The Guru.
Ships: Within 24 hours
Price: $3

Download The Guru desktop wallpaper and watch as your coworkers ogle the most attractive computer in the office.

7 steps to the perfect event.
Ships: Within 24 hours
Price: $45

Motivational button.
Ships: Within 24 hours
Price: $7

Guru wrist watch.
Ships: Within 24 hours
Price: $100

The Meeting Guru Book
Ships: Within 24 hours
Price: $49.99 €34.64

The official Handbook of Handshakes
Ships: Within 24 hours
Price: $39.99

The Guru action figure.
Ships: Within 24 hours
Price: $18.99

Ships: Within 24 hours
Price: $19.99